Source code for nemi.workflow

import umap
import pickle
import copy
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import OrderedDict
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from sklearn.neighbors import kneighbors_graph
# import sciris as sc

__all__ = ['NEMI', 'SingleNemi']

default_params = dict(
    embedding_dict = dict(min_dist=0.0, n_components=3, n_neighbors=20),
    clustering_dict = dict(linkage='ward',  n_clusters=30, n_neighbors=40)

[docs] class SingleNemi(): """ A single instance of the NEMI pipeline Args: params (dict, optional): A dictionary of the embedding and clustering options. Defaults to ``nemi.workflow.default_params``. """ def __init__(self, params=None): # pipeline parameters # self.params = sc.mergedicts(default_params, params) # pipeline parameters self.params = copy.deepcopy(default_params) self.params.update(params if params is not None else {}) # set during the run self.embedding = None self.clusters = None self.X = None return
[docs] def run(self, X, save_steps=True): """ Run a single instance of the NEMI pipeline The pipeline consists of steps: - fitting the embedding - predicting the clusters, - sorting the clusters by descending size Args: X (:py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The data contained in a sparse matrix of shape (``n_samples``, ``n_features``) """ # fit the embedding print('Fitting the embedding') self.fit_embedding(X) # predict the clusters print('Predicting the clusters') self.clusters = self.predict_clusters() # sort the clusters by (descending) size print('Sorting clusters') self.clusters = self.sort_clusters(self.clusters)
[docs] def scale_data(self, X): """ Scale the data to have a mean and variance of 1. Args: X (:py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The data to pick seeds for. A sparse matrix of shape (``n_samples``, ``n_features``) **kwargs : keyword arguments to embedding function """ # scale data scaler = StandardScaler() scaled_data = scaler.fit_transform(X) return scaled_data
[docs] def fit_embedding(self, X): """ Run the embedding algorithm on the data Args X (:py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The data to pick seeds for. A sparse matrix of shape (``n_samples``, ``n_features``) **kwargs : keyword arguments to embedding function """ # initialize data self.X = X # run embedding self.embedding = self.__embedding_algo(**self.params['embedding_dict'])(self.X)
[docs] def predict_clusters(self): """ Run the clustering algorithm on the embedding Clustering algorithm parameters is set by the ``clustering_dict`` attribute. Returns: Identified clusters """ return self.__clustering_algo(**self.params['clustering_dict'])(self.X)
[docs] def sort_clusters(self, clusters): """ Updates cluster labels 0,1,...,k so that each cluster is of descending size. Args: clusters (:py:class`~numpy.ndarray`, list) Returns: An array with the new labels """ # number of clusters (also the same as the label name in the agglomerated cluster dict) n_clusters = np.max(clusters)+1 # create a histogram of the different clusters hist,_ = np.histogram(clusters, np.arange(n_clusters+1)) # clusters sorted by size (largest to smallest) sorted_clusters= np.argsort(hist)[::-1] # assign new labels where labels 0,...,k go in decreasing member size new_labels = np.empty(clusters.shape) new_labels.fill(np.nan) for new_label, old_label in enumerate(sorted_clusters): new_labels[clusters == old_label] = new_label return new_labels
[docs] def save(self, filename): with open(filename, 'wb') as fid: pickle.dump(self, fid)
[docs] def load_embedding(self, filename): self.embedding = np.load(filename)
[docs] def save_embedding(self, filename): """ Save the embedding to a file Args: filename (str): Filename to save embedding """, self.embedding)
[docs] def plot(self, to_plot=None, **kwargs): if to_plot.lower() == 'embedding': self._plot_embedding(**kwargs) elif to_plot.lower() == 'clusters': self._plot_clusters(**kwargs)
def _plot_embedding(self, s=1, subsample=10, alpha=0.4): data = self.embedding fig = plt.figure() if data.shape[1] == 2: ax = plt.gca() elif data.shape[1] == 3: ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') else: raise RuntimeError('Embedding not consistent with plotting function') ax.scatter(*data[::subsample].T, s=s, alpha=alpha, zorder=4) def _plot_clusters(self, n=None, s=1, subsample=10, alpha=0.4): self._plot_embedding(s=s, subsample=subsample, alpha=alpha) data = self.embedding ax = plt.gca() labels = self.clusters unique_labels = np.sort(np.unique(labels)) colors = [ for each in np.linspace(0, 1, len(unique_labels))] for k, col in zip(unique_labels, colors): class_member_mask = (labels == k) xy = data[class_member_mask, :] ax.scatter(*xy[::subsample].T, c=np.array(col).reshape((1,-1)), s=s, alpha=1, zorder=4) def __embedding_algo(self, **kwargs): return umap.UMAP(**kwargs).fit_transform def __clustering_algo(self, **kwargs): """ Clustering step Args: n_neighbors (int): Number of neighbors for each sample of the kneighbors_graph. Defaults to 40. """ # Create a graph capturing local connectivity. Larger number of neighbors # will give more homogeneous clusters to the cost of computation # time. A very large number of neighbors gives more evenly distributed # cluster sizes, but may not impose the local manifold structure of # the data knn_graph = kneighbors_graph(self.embedding, kwargs['n_neighbors'], include_self=False) model = AgglomerativeClustering(linkage=kwargs['linkage'], connectivity=knn_graph, n_clusters=kwargs['n_clusters']) return model.fit_predict
[docs] class NEMI(SingleNemi): """ Main NEMI workflow Args: params (dict, optional): clustering and enbedding algorithm parameters. """ def __init__(self, params=None): # pipeline parameters self.params = copy.deepcopy(default_params) self.params.update(params if params is not None else {}) self.base_id = None
[docs] def run(self, X, n=1): """ Run the NEMI pipeline The pipeline consists of steps: - fitting the embedding - predicting the clusters, - sorting the clusters by descending size Args: X (:py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The data contained in a sparse matrix of shape (``n_samples``, ``n_features``) n (int, optional): Number of iterations to run. Defaults to 1. """ if n == 1: super().run(X) return else: # initialize the pack nemi_pack = [] # run the pack for member in tqdm(np.arange(n)): # create nemi instance nemi = SingleNemi(params=self.params) # run single instance # add to the pack nemi_pack.append(nemi) self.nemi_pack = nemi_pack self.assess_overlap()
[docs] def plot(self, to_plot=None, plot_ensemble=False, **kwargs): if plot_ensemble: for nemi in self.nemi_pack: nemi.plot(to_plot, **kwargs) if to_plot == 'clusters': super().plot('clusters')
[docs] def assess_overlap(self, base_id:int =0, max_clusters=None, **kwargs): """ Assess the overlap between the clusters. Args: base_id (int, optional): index (starting at 0) of ensemble member to use as the base comparison """ self.base_id = base_id self.embedding = self.nemi_pack[base_id].embedding # list of ensemble members we are comparing to the base compare_ids = [i for i in range(len(self.nemi_pack))] compare_ids.pop(base_id) # identify clusters from the base ensemble member base_labels = self.nemi_pack[base_id].clusters # number of clusters num_clusters = int(np.max(base_labels) + 1) # if not pre-set, set max number of clusters to total number of clusters in the base if max_clusters is None: max_clusters = num_clusters sortedOverlap=np.zeros((len(compare_ids)+1, max_clusters, base_labels.shape[0]))*np.nan print(num_clusters, max_clusters) summaryStats=np.zeros((num_clusters, max_clusters)) # compile sorted cluster data # TODO: add assert statement to make sure that the clusters have been sorted? dataVector=[nemi.clusters for id, nemi in enumerate(self.nemi_pack) if id != base_id] # loop over ensemble members, not including the base member for compare_cnt, compare_id in enumerate(compare_ids): # grab clusters of ensemble member compare_labels= dataVector[compare_cnt] # go through each cluster in the base and assess the percentage overlap # for every cluster in the ensemble member (overlap / total coverage area) for c1 in range(max_clusters): # Initialize dummy array to mark location of the cluster for the base member data1_M = np.zeros(base_labels.shape, dtype=int) # mark where the considered cluster is in the member that is being used as the baseline data1_M[np.where(c1==base_labels)] = 1 # # Count numer of entries [Why?] summaryStats[0, c1]=np.sum(data1_M) # go through each cluster # k = 0 for c2 in range(num_clusters): # Initialize dummy array to mark where the cluster is in the comparison member data2_M = np.zeros(base_labels.shape, dtype=int) # mark where the considered cluster is in the member that is being used as the comparison data2_M[np.where(c2==compare_labels)] = 1 # Sum of flags where the two datasets of that cluster are both present num_overlap=np.sum(data1_M*data2_M) #Sum of where they overlap num_total=np.sum(data1_M | data2_M) #Collect the number that is largest of k and the num_overlap/num_total # k = max(k, num_overlap / num_total) summaryStats[c2, c1]=(num_overlap / num_total)*100 # Add percentage of coverage #Filled in 'summaryStatistics' matrix results of percentage overlaps usedClusters = set() # Used to mak sure clusters don't get selected twice #Clusters are already sorted by size sortedOverlapForOneCluster=np.zeros(base_labels.shape, dtype=int)*np.nan # go through clusters from (biggest to smallest since they are sorted) for c1 in range(max_clusters): sortedOverlapForOneCluster=np.zeros(base_labels.shape, dtype=int)*np.nan #print('cluster number ', c1, summaryStats.shape, summaryStats[1:,c1-1].shape) # find biggest cluster in first column, making sure it has not been used sortedClusters = np.argsort(summaryStats[:, c1])[::-1] biggestCluster = [ele for ele in sortedClusters if ele not in usedClusters][0] # record it for later usedClusters.add(biggestCluster) # Initialize dummy array data2_M = np.zeros(base_labels.shape, dtype=int) # Select which country is being assessed data2_M[np.where(biggestCluster == compare_labels)]=1 # Select cluster being assessed sortedOverlapForOneCluster[np.where(data2_M==1)]=1 sortedOverlap[compare_id, c1, :] = sortedOverlapForOneCluster # fill in the base entry in the sorted overlap for c1 in range(max_clusters): sortedOverlap[base_id, c1, :] = 1 * (base_labels == c1) # majority vote aggOverlaps = np.nansum(sortedOverlap,axis=0) voteOverlaps = np.argmax(aggOverlaps,axis=0) # save clusters estimated from the ensemble self.clusters = voteOverlaps