Improving ocean and climate understanding and resilience

We target grand challenges with the aim of improving ocean and climate understanding and resilience. Solutions to the challenges humanity, and the world, face are inherently interdisciplinary, and so is our lab. Blending cutting-edge computational and Earth science tools and knowledge, we combine theory, observations, and numerics to pioneer methods and create insight.

The group focuses on several research areas:

Computational: Injecting knowledge to guide innovation

  1. Data mining: Pioneer methods fit for purpose to uncover fundamental insight
  2. Sparse data inference: Leverage complicated and messy data
  3. AI for science: UQ and XAI for utilizing machine learning as a universal function approximator

Earth Science: Objective advancement of our understanding of the Earth

  1. Fundamental insight: Elucidate ocean and climate dynamics
  2. Forecasting: Improve predictions on long range weather and climate
  3. Resilience: Study impacts on physical and biogeochemical ocean and climate

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  • 24/10 - We’re thrilled to recieve one of the NSF CAIG grants! Joing with UC Santa Cruz we will b looking into remote monitoring of ocean fronts and upper ocean heat content. Read more “here”!
  • 24/03 - Prof. Sonnewald was interviewed by the Guardian for their front-page feature on Atmospheric Rivers. Read it “here”.
  • 24/03 - Happy Women’s Day! Prof. Sonnewald is featured in a Women’s Day UC Davis CoE news post.
  • 24/02 - The lab heads to the Ocean Sciences Meeting! We’re excited both Yvonne and Will have been given talks and Prof. Sonnewald is convening a session as well as giving a talk.
  • 24/02 - Our new paper on the safe uses of NNs in climate contexts is out now! Title: The Importance of Architecture Choice in Deep Learning for Climate Applications. Read it “here”.
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